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1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Your Library offers 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, an ongoing reading challenge that gives preschoolers a head start on kindergarten.

Post Author

Hannah Kiger

Reading to your children is one of the best things you can do for them. According to Ohio State University, kids whose parents read them five books a day enter kindergarten having heard 1.4 million more words than kids who aren’t read to!

That’s why your Library offers 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge, an ongoing reading challenge to help get your preschoolers ready for school.

Reading challenges benefit kids in many ways. Children receive valuable one-on-one time with their parent. They gain an understanding of new concepts, vocabulary, and knowledge of the world around them.

If completing 1,000 books sounds daunting to you, don’t worry. There’s no time limit to the challenge, so you and your child will have plenty of time to prepare them for kindergarten.

This challenge is a way for parents to track what their kids read and how much they’re reading. Children will gain the love of reading along the way that will last them a lifetime.

To help encourage kids to read, the challenge features prizes and badges for reading books. For every 100 books that a child reads, they get a virtual badge. Reading 500 books gets them a free book. The 1,000-book goal earns them a t-shirt and a great head start for kindergarten.

The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge uses Beanstack, the same platform as our other reading challenges.

If you’ve participated in any of the Library’s reading challenges this last year, then there’s no need to create a new Beanstack account. Just sign in with your existing login information.


Call the Children’s Library at (423) 434-4458 for more information about 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten!
